Find the hidden treasure in the mountain Penningkejsen
A nice way to experience the mountains in summertime is to hike in them. The surrounding area of the mountains offers a numbers of marked hiking trails with interesting history. You can find trails for all ages, which makes the area a perfect family destination.
A hiking guide is available at several shops and companies in Ansättfjällen. The guide presents many nice hiking trails in Ansättfjällen, Frostviksfjällen, Lierne and Röyrvik. In our area there are several trails, one in every village. More information about these trails.
Walk on your own in nature using the mountain map, for example, to Penningkejsen. The story tells you that if you go alone to the top an midsummer night, stay absolutely quiet and are not afraid of what you see and hear, the mountain will open up and you will find the hidden treasure in Penningkejsen. The best way to reach the mountain Penningkejsen is to start from Gammelheimen in Norway. At the top of the mountain you will find a borderstone between Sweden and Norway. Then you can walk down the other side to the village Gunnarvattnet.